Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ HipsterMattic: One Man's Quest to Become the Ultimate Hipster by Matt Granfield

HipsterMattic: One Man's Quest to Become the Ultimate Hipster by Matt Granfield

HipsterMattic: One Man's Quest to Become the Ultimate Hipster

HipsterMattic: One Man's Quest to Become the Ultimate Hipster by Matt Granfield PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A funny, smart, and gently irreverent look at the hipster phenomenon told through one man’s journey to become its consummate example

I'm sorry, it's over. You just don't seem to know who you are. I can't be with somebody who doesn't know who they are . . .  

Brokenhearted, newly alone, and sobbing so hard there was enough snot coming out his nose to give an elephant a phlegm transplant, Matt Granfield decided the best way to find himself, to truly know who he was, was to become someone else. Already a bit of a hipster, and with his ex's words ringing in his ears, Matt embarked on a journey to try to become the hippest person on the planet—the world's Ultimate Hipster. The quest began innocuously enough—visiting trendy cafés, selling homemade jewelry at a market stall, and writing poetry—but it quickly spiraled out of control. Soon there were National Bike Polo Championships to attend, tattoo parlors to visit, bands to start, and organic vegetables to grow. But would all these hipster adventures help Matt find himself, and to truly know who he is? This hilarious and endearing tale of one man's heartache and his subsequent quest to find himself is a must read for anyone who's ever tried (and perhaps failed) to be cool.

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