Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Anaphora and semantic interpretation by Tanya Reinhart

Anaphora and semantic interpretation by Tanya Reinhart

Anaphora and semantic interpretation

Anaphora and semantic interpretation by Tanya Reinhart PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

First published in 1983, this book examines anaphora ― a central issue in linguistic theory as it lies at the crossroads of several major problems. On the one hand it is believed that the same conditions that govern the interpretation of anaphora also govern syntactic movement rules but on the other, while anaphora is known to interact with various discourse and semantic considerations, it also provides a clear instance of the dependency of the semantic interpretation of sentences upon semantic properties of natural language. This book has two major goals: the first is a comprehensive analysis of sentence-level anaphora that addresses the questions posed above, and the second is an examination of the broader issues of the relations between the structural properties of sentences and their semantic interpretation within the hypotheses of the autonomy of syntax and of interpretative semantics shown by Chomsky.

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