Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ The Ultimate Wedding Scrapbook by Alex A. Lluch

The Ultimate Wedding Scrapbook by Alex A. Lluch

The Ultimate Wedding Scrapbook

The Ultimate Wedding Scrapbook by Alex A. Lluch PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

There is no better way to preserve the memories of this wondrous event than creating a scrapbook with all the photographs and mementos of all aspects of the wedding and the steps leading up to it. My Wedding Scrapbook & Keepsake allows the user to create a keepsake that will be treasured for years to come. Seven dividers create chapters in the fairy tale wedding story, including About Us, Our Engagement, Parties, Getting Ready, The Wedding Day, The Honeymoon, and Our Married Life. The book contains everything needed for preserving all those special moments couples will enjoy recalling for years to come, including 40 mounting sheets, 30 sheets of ornamental wallpaper, 20 beautiful photo frames, and 2 sheets of decorative stickers. A photo window in the front cover allows the bride to personalize this unique keepsake. The three-ring binder format allows the user to add mounting sheets for even more photographs.

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