Controlling with SAP (CO) - Practical Guide by Janet Salmon
Controlling with SAP (CO) - Practical Guide by Janet Salmon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From basic transactions to troubleshooting, execute your daily Controlling tasks with fewer steps and greater ease! Manage master data, set up planning and budgeting work, and conduct actual postings using routine CO capabilities and new technologies integrated alongside the Controlling component. This practical guide offers the step-by-step instructions and examples that will help your day-to-day to-do list.
* Discover the many features and functionalities of the Controlling component
* Enhance your Controlling capabilities with integrated process flows, cost planning, SAP HANA, mobility, and more
* Up to date for SAP ERP enhancement packages 6 and 7
Tips and Tricks for Your Daily Work
Maximize your time by learning the best practices for common CO processes, tasks, and features.
CO from A to Z
Start at the beginning (master data management) and move to the end (complete period close) of Controlling processes.
Apply Real-World Examples
See how you can improve your Controlling processes by examining examples from other organizations.
* Master data
* Product cost controlling
* Reporting
* Planning and budgeting
* Actual postings
* Period close
* Allocations and settlements
* SAP BW and SAP BusinessObjects BI
* Mobility
* Financial Closing cockpit
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