Diet and Human Immune Function (Nutrition and Health)
Diet and Human Immune Function (Nutrition and Health) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Leading international researchers and clinicians comprehensively review in detail what is known about the ability of diet to enhance human immune function in health, disease, and under various condition of stress. The authors offer state-of-the-art critical appraisals of the influences on the human immune system of several important vitamins and minerals both singly and in combination. The authors also examine how nutrition modulates immune function in various disease states and under three forms of stress-vigorous exercise, military conditions, and air pollution. A much-needed overview of the nutritional consequences of drug-disease interactions provides recommendations for potential nutritional interventions that could increase drug efficacy and/or reduce adverse side effects. "Conclusions" and "Take Home Messages" at the end of each chapter give physicians clinical instructions about special diets and dietary components for many immune-related disease states.From reader reviews:
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