Reflections of the Brewmaster by Robert C. Penza
Reflections of the Brewmaster by Robert C. Penza PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
b>Reflections of the Brewmaster.Born in 1929 at the height of the Great Depression, Robert Penza grew up during desperate times. With the onset of Prohibition his father began a new family business, bootlegging. Filled with touching stories told through the eyes of a young boy coming of age and learning to meet the challenges of the growing family business, Reflections of the Brewmaster is a colorful story of a time long gone. Filled with oddball characters and chance meetings with the likes Al Capone, Eddie Rickenback and more, Reflections of the Brewmaster will bring you back to a time of America's innocence. The end of Prohibition led to the founding of the Eastern Brewing Co. in Hammonton, New Jersey. Robert would become the Brewmaster producing Old Bohemian, Milwaukee, Holland Brand and Old German Brand beers. Complete with history, insights, tips and recipes gathered over a lifetime of beer making, today's home brewer will see beer making from a whole new perspective. Reflections of the Brewmaster offers something for all of us to reflect upon and be thankful for.
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