Health Communication: Theory, Method, and Application
Health Communication: Theory, Method, and Application PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Health Communication provides coverage of the major areas of interest in the field of health communication, including interpersonal, organizational, and health media. It takes an in-depth approach to health communication research by analyzing and critically evaluating research conducted across multiple paradigmatic perspectives.
This edited textbook includes chapters covering such topics as:
- interpersonal health communication issues, challenges, and complexities in health communication,
- communication aspects of health behaviors and conditions,
- organizational issues in health communication, and
- media and eHealth research.
Chapters have been contributed by noted researchers and educators in health communication and represent the current state of the field. They offer pedagogical features that will prove useful to students and instructors of health communication, such as sidebars, summary boxes, suggestions for in-class activities, discussion questions, and lists of additional resources.
A companion website provides online resources for use with this text, including:
For students:
- Test questions
- Downloadable flash cards
- Exam study guides
For instructors:
- PowerPoint slides
- Sample syllabi
- Sample assignments
Developed for use in upper-level health communication courses, this text represents the breadth and depth of health communication theory and research as it exists today.
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