Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Losing Louisa by Judith Caseley

Losing Louisa by Judith Caseley

Losing Louisa

Losing Louisa by Judith Caseley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lacy gets a crash course on life, love, and families

Lacey Levine's family has changed since her parents' divorce. Her mother has turned into a health-food fanatic who wears tight clothes and goes out on dates with a guy named Vinnie. Her father is remarried, and his new wife has just had a baby. Lacey is struggling with the changes and trying to sort out her own crush on a jerk named David when she finds out her older sister, Rosie -- smart Rosie, cheerleader Rosie, Rosie with the angelic singing voice -- is pregnant. At first, it is Lacey alone who supports Rosie as she tries to decide what to do, but soon it becomes a family affair. Abortion seems the right choice until Rosie spends time with her new half sister and starts to think about the baby growing inside her, and even gives her a name -- Louisa. As the family draws together in helping Rosie sort out her options, Lacey discovers that, no matter how it may be configured, family is family. Judith Caseley has written a tender novel about sisters, decisions, and love in its many forms.

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