Selasa, 08 April 2014

PDF⋙ The Shaman's Oracle: Oracle Cards for Ancient Wisdom and Guidance by John Matthews, Wil Kinghan

The Shaman's Oracle: Oracle Cards for Ancient Wisdom and Guidance by John Matthews, Wil Kinghan

The Shaman's Oracle: Oracle Cards for Ancient Wisdom and Guidance

The Shaman's Oracle: Oracle Cards for Ancient Wisdom and Guidance by John Matthews, Wil Kinghan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This innovative oracle is the first to connect us directly to the wisdom of our prehistoric ancestors. Modern-day shaman John Matthews and shamanic artist Wil Kinghan have created a special deck of 52 cards inspired by cave art from around the world, and their unique system can help us find answers to life’s most vital questions. The cards represent five archetypes—Spirits, Ancestors, Hunters, Dancers, and Shamans—each intimately connected with a different aspect of human experience. The evocative images touch on our ancestral memories and subconscious forces that influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions at the deepest level of being.




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