Sabtu, 05 April 2014

PDF⋙ Stylistic II/V7/I Voicings For Keyboardists by Luke Gillespie

Stylistic II/V7/I Voicings For Keyboardists by Luke Gillespie

Stylistic II/V7/I Voicings For Keyboardists

Stylistic II/V7/I Voicings For Keyboardists by Luke Gillespie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Covers all styles of comping, from basic and fundamental approaches to modern! A complete collection of II/V7/I voicings for jazz keyboard, starting with simple diatonic voicings and progressing into more harmonically rich and diverse voicings with intricate passing tones and complex harmonies. No longer will you be stuck using the same kinds of voicings over and over, even in different styles. Now you can have a variety of II/V7 voicings available at your fingertips for every musical situation.

'.... This is the stuff they don't teach you in school.' -Geoff Keezer.

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