Gravity From A New Angle by Karunakar Marasakatla
Gravity From A New Angle by Karunakar Marasakatla PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Gravity from a New Angle is a comprehensive analysis of fundamental concepts in Physics. Concepts like force, work, power and energy were developed over a period of centuries. In depth analysis of these concepts reveals that there is overlap in the way these concepts were defined. As a result, the concept of resultant force obscured the true understanding of energy interactions.Solution to most intriguing problems in Physics like Pioneer anomaly and unified theory relies on answers to the very basic questions. Does an object retain its mass when it collapses to a point mass? What is the amount of gravity at the center of the earth? In a chemical reaction between carbon and oxygen to form CO2, which atom releases the energy?
Object gains mass or gravity when it collapses to a point size. Earth exerts enormous amount of gravity on an object kept at its center. Contrary to the wide spread belief, the energy in an combustion comes from the oxygen atom, which we should call as the fuel not the carbon atom. The flaws in fundamental concepts like the mass and force led our understanding of physical phenomenon in a wrong direction. By redefining these basic concepts in accordance with the observed facts, we can explain all the observed facts in an unified way. (Version 1.2)
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