Paris, Modigliani & Me by Jacqueline Kolosov
Paris, Modigliani & Me by Jacqueline Kolosov PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
" coming-of-age story about losing your dreams-and finding new ones in Paris A summer in Paris as a nanny should be a dream job for 18-year-old Julie, but it feels more like a consolation prize after not getting into the Art Institute of Chicago, her dream school. Her mom wants her to come back to Texas and attend a state college in the fall, but Julie isn't sure what she wants anymore. Being a nanny to lively, fashion-minded Genevieve turns out to be fun and good for meeting a trio of intriguing guys. Also, Genevieve's mother Claire manages an art gallery and Julie gets drawn into the Paris art scene. The situation heats up when a new, previously unknown work by Modigliani, one of Julie's favorite artists, is discovered and acquired by the gallery. Julie's affections are pulled in different directions while she tries to discover if the new Modigliani is real or a forgery, or painted by Modigliani's mistress, Jeanne Hébuterne. Can the story of Modigliani and Jeanne provide any clues that will help guide her own path?"From reader reviews:
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