Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Hostage: A Year at Gunpoint with Somali Pirates by Paul Chandler, Rachel Chandler, Sarah Edworthy

Hostage: A Year at Gunpoint with Somali Pirates by Paul Chandler, Rachel Chandler, Sarah Edworthy

Hostage: A Year at Gunpoint with Somali Pirates

Hostage: A Year at Gunpoint with Somali Pirates by Paul Chandler, Rachel Chandler, Sarah Edworthy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

On October 23, 2009, Somali pirates kidnapped Paul and Rachel Chandler from their sailing boat, the Lynn Rival, in the Seychelles, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean. In this remarkable memoir, the Chandlers recount their terrifying ordeal, revealing the inspiring and poignant story behind the dramatic headlines. The book chronicles the aftermath of the attack, and how the Chandlers’ captors held them in Somalia for more than a year while trying to extort millions of dollars from their middle-class family. It goes on to describe how despite enduring threats, intimidation, solitary confinement, and even whippings, their unshakable belief in each other and their determination to survive sustained them. With its detailed, day-to-day account of the experience of being held captive by pirates, this unique and inspiring story will resonate with travelers the world over.

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Hostage: A Year at Gunpoint with Somali Pirates by Paul Chandler, Rachel Chandler, Sarah Edworthy EPub

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