My Grandma and Me: Rhyming Devotions for You and Your Grandchild by Crystal Bowman
My Grandma and Me: Rhyming Devotions for You and Your Grandchild by Crystal Bowman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
2013 SELAH Award winner, Children's category.My Grandma and Me is the book every grandmother wants to share with her toddler-age grandchildren. Each devotion includes a scripture, a rhyme explaining the theme of the verse, and an interactive song or prayer. In addition to the fun yet faith-filled words, children will enjoy the sweet full-color art throughout the book that has a nostalgic tone for Grandma. The book closes with additional scriptures grandma can use to pass along her faith: the Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, 23rd Psalm, Beatitudes, and a special prayer for her grandchildren. This delightful book will not only become Grandmother's favorite, but it will leave a lasting and important impression on the faith development of many toddlers.
The introduction of the book also gives grandmothers who are far-away from their grandkids tips on using the book via phone or Skype.
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